The following list gives a brief overview of both national and international awards and recognitions received by our faculty:
Rama Chellappa | 2024 Edwin Land Medal | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Rama Chellappa | Foreign Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Mark Dredze |
Optum Research Award | Computer Science |
Anqi Liu | Amazon Research Award | Computer Science |
Eric Nalisnick |
Google Research Award for Inclusion Research | Computer Science |
Ashutosh Dutta | New Internet Protocol Version 6 Hall of Fame | Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory |
Rama Chellappa | PAMI Distinguished Researcher Award | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Rama Chellappa | National Academy of Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Chien-Ming Huang | NSF CAREER Award | Computer Science |
Ashutosh Dutta | IEEE-USA George F. McClure Citation of Honor | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Yinzhi Cao | DARPA Young Faculty Award | Computer Science |